Understanding Prospecting

Understanding Prospecting

I have a question for you, “What is a prospect? “
A prospect is a “likely customer.”  The dictionary cites a “likely customer” as “a customer who may be interested in buying something.”

Hey – that is great!  I am sure there are many, many “prospects” out there who may be interested in buying something from you.  Now all you have to do is find them.

The “finding them” part is what causes most business owners and salespeople the greatest amount of headache.  Why?  Prospecting is time-consuming, there is more rejection than acceptance and, for most of us, and it is just not fun.

So how do you prospect for potential buyers without burning through a lot of time, get to the ones that are most interested in what you are selling and possibly have a bit of fun doing it?  Check out the next blog post for answers!

Qualify Them
The very best way to prospect is to identify Qualified Prospects.

What is a qualified prospect?
Great!  I’m sure you answered that question with no problem.  Just to make sure, the answer is below:

A qualified prospect is someone who:

  1. 1. Has a need for your product or service
  2. 2. Is the decision maker
  3. 3. Has the resources to purchase your product or service

There are many ways to identify qualified prospects.  Some of the ways are general and will work for most businesses and other ways are distinctive for your type of business.

For example, if you own and operate a small-business coaching firm, a qualified prospect would be identified as someone who:

  1. Owns and operates a small business
  2. Is tired of “putting out fires” all the time
  3. Has no time to work “on” their business
  4. Needs advice and assistance with employee issues
  5. Wants to grow their business to the next level
  6. Etc.

With the above information in mind, who or what types of people or businesses would be qualified prospects for YOUR business?



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